
  • foto van André Dan

    André Dan

    André Dan, 56, based in Paris, France, gained experience as a Manager, Consultant and Board member in many B2B companies of USA, France/Europe, and Israel. Since 2002 he is a recognized European expert in Networking, and Social Networking since 2006. André evangelizes as a speaker and a coach, and wrote books on how to use LinkedIn and Viadeo. His main partners are the Chambers of Commerce and Business networks. André Dan holds an Executive MBA from HEC-Paris (1994) and became IT Engineer from Supinfo-Paris (1983).

  • foto van Bruno Desmet

    Bruno Desmet

    Bruno Desmet travaille chez The House Of Sales. Ils aident leurs clients à convertir leurs actifs commerciaux en euros de la manière la plus efficace. Les entreprises avec une culture de vente surtout investissent plus que jamais dans l’amélioration de leur force de vente, le moteur de leur croissance.

  • foto van Frank Maene

    Frank Maene

    Frank is a managing partner at seed & early stage venture capital fund, Volta Ventures. Previously he was a managing partner at the Hummingbird Ventures and Big Bang Ventures funds, since inception in 2000.

    He currently serves on the board of directors of Amplidata, Argus Labs, Awingu, Ciceksepeti, Digitouch, Engagor and Racktivity. He was the chairman of DataCenterTechnologies (acquired by Symantec) and Q-layer (acquired by Sun Microsystems) and a director on the board of Avinity (acquired by ActiveVideo Networks).

    Prior, Frank led ExpertEyes in Silicon Valley, where he helped US software companies expand into Europe; spun off a team of developers from a system integrator; created, led, and -eighteen months later- sold the Benelux distributor of Gentia Software; was a sales manager for Comshare Belgium/Luxembourg, and started his career as a consultant with the Cap Gemini Group.

    Frank holds Master's degrees in Applied Economics and Accountancy from the University of Gent, Belgium.

  • Foto Frans De Groot

    Frans De Groot

    Frans de Groot est le fondateur de la Bitsing-method et le propriétaire de BiTS in Business, à Amsterdam. Il enseigne le Bitsing à la Radboud Universiteit et dans diverses hautes écoles. De Groot a consacré vingt ans au développement de sa méthode, grâce à laquelle dans la pratique, on atteint des résultats époustouflants.

  • foto van Jurgen Heyman

    Jurgen Heyman

    Jurgen Heyman is Corporate Vice President of Sales Performance International and Managing Director for Sales Performance International Europe. Jurgen Heyman runs an operation that is represented in 50 countries.  He joined SPI for the first time in 1991 in order to establish its European Operations. He has worked with major SPI customers that deployed the Solution Selling® methodology in their European operations. That’s where Jurgen built up his expertise in Sales Process Methodology and Sales Transformation. He has engaged with organizations such as EDS, IBM, Hyperion Solutions …

    In a second phase of his career Jurgen Heyman has initiated several business in the technology arena. One has been publically traded and has been acquired by one of the leading technology vendors afterwards. He was also engaged in running large technology services organizations with international operations.

    Jurgen Heyman has rejoined Sales Performance International as Corporate Vice President and is expanding the organization structurally in the EMEA region and is a shareholder and member of Sales Performance International’s Executive Board.

    Jurgen Heyman has interesting experiences in how organizations drive change in their sales teams. He can address the demystification of sales functions and address how sales is evolving into a science rather than an art. His wide experience with Sales Performance International’s global customers bring interesting insights on how Sales Transformations happen (or not if a company does not have the courage to drive change throughout their teams). He is a thought leader on Sales 2.0 and how social media is driving the sales functions to be completely different.

    Jurgen holds a master in engineering and a master in innovation and entrepreneurship. He is guest lecturer at business schools and is invited to coach start-ups.

  • foto van Jurgen Ingels

    Jürgen Ingels

    Jürgen Ingels is the founder of Clear2Pay. Before founding Clear2Pay,  Jürgen worked as Senior Investment Manager with Dexia Ventures, the venture capital division of Dexia Bank, Belgium's largest commercial bank. Mr. Ingels's role at Dexia Bank was focused on investing in start-up companies, and taking a pro-active role in their business strategy, product launches and financial management. He represented Dexia Ventures on the boards of numerous companies. He is currently member of the board at NG Data NV, Projective NV, Citymesh NV, Itineris NV, Ribrain NV, Materialize NV and member of some of the audit committees.  In addition he participates in the Vinnof’s investment committee (Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen) and Sniper investment.Mr. Ingels holds a degree in political and social sciences, and an MBA from the University of Antwerp. He also has a postgraduate degree in corporate finance. 

  • Manu Luyten

    Coach et réalisateur de théâtre. Au sein de Movimento dell'Arte, je mêle mon expérience d’entrepreneur à celle de réalisateur de théâtre. Je suis passionné par les projets dans lesquels les gens occupent une place centrale et qui sont axés sur l’apprentissage, le développement personnel et la communication.

    J’ai confiance en la capacité créatrice des gens et suis convaincu qu’une approche centrée sur la personne favorise un développement à la fois social et professionnel.

  • foto van Martin De Prycker

    Martin De Prycker

    Martin was CEO of Barco between 2002 and 2009, focusing the company on visual display markets. Prior to that he was CTO and member of the Executive Committee of Alcatel-Lucent. Before ecoming CTO of Alcatel-Lucent, Martin was responsible for establishing Alcatel-Lucent’s worldwide market leadership in the broadband access market. Under Martin’s leadership, ADSL was transformed from a research project into a multi-billion dollar business for Alcatel-Lucent. Martin was CEO of Caliopa , a startup in silicon photonics between 2009 and 2013. He is currently managing partner of Qbic; an interuniversity seed and early stage fund  and he is a member of the board of directors of several companies, including Newtec, Anteryon, Track4C and Venture Spirit. Martin holds a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences, an M.Sc. in Electronics from the University of Ghent, as well as an MBA from the University of Antwerp.

  • foto van Chris en Martine

    Martine Ballegeer et Chris Van Roey

    Martine Ballegeer est cofondatrice du bureau de conseils en communication PitchPoint. Elle compte plus de 20 ans d’expérience en communication, marketing, gestion de l’offre et sourcing chez Mobistar et Apple Computer. 

    Chris Van Roey est CEO d’UBA, l’Union belge des Annonceurs. Il a 30 ans d’expérience en management chez Mobistar, Apple Computer et le groupe Colruyt. Il a été élu Master Marketeer et Advertising Personality of the Year. 

  • foto van Matthieu Voet

    Matthieu Voet

    En tant que fondateur de l’agence Web Newance, c’est ma passion d’optimaliser la communication en ligne de votre entreprise de sorte à rapidement convaincre vos clients (potentiels) de faire affaire avec vous. Définir votre stratégie de croissance et faire preuve d’empathie avec les visiteurs de votre site Internet (les clients potentiels) est pour ce faire essentiel. Je suis en outre passionné par l’entrepreneuriat, les sites Internet conviviaux et le skateboard. J’ai l’intention d’encore changer beaucoup de choses.

  • foto van Patrick De Groote

    Patrick De Groote

    Patrick De Groote began his career in 1971 in the Energy and later in the Steel Industry sectors. He held senior management positions or was member of the Board  in several private and listed companies since 1978. In particular, he served as the CEO  of Zenitel Group (former SAIT-RadioHolland), as CEO of Koramic Industries, as CEO of Vitalo Group and as Vice President of ABB Service Worldwide. As member of the Board he served in more than 30 companies of different size, in various sectors,  private or listed.  Today he is Board member in  number of companies like Campine (listed on Euronext) and Legio International.

  • foto van Philip Vermeulen

    Philip Vermeulen

    Philip Vermeulen a acquis sa première expérience en tant que banquier à la Chase Manhattan Bank Inc. de Londres (GB), en 1979. Après quoi il a travaillé pour cette même banque à Anvers, à Bruxelles et à Gand, où il a été Directeur de siège pour les provinces de Flandre orientale et Flandre occidentale. En 1985, il est devenu COO et CEO de Sidel Computer Center nv. En 1988, il a rejoint la GIMV SA - le plus important bailleur de capital-risque en Belgique - où il a été l’un des pionniers du capital-risque de démarrage sur le marché belge. En 1997, il est parti travailler pour le FLV Fund cva, dont il a été le CEO jusqu’en juillet 2001. C’est en cette dernière qualité qu’il a activement été impliqué en tant que “deal maker” et administrateur dans de nombreuses sociétés de technologie en Europe, aux É.-U et en Asie.

    Entre 1998 et 2001, Philip Vermeulen a occupé un poste d’administrateur au sein de l’E.V.C.A. (Association européenne des sociétés de capital-risque), où il était également membre du comité de la technologie.

    Depuis 2002, il travaille en tant qu’Executive Partner chez Ventures4Growth cva où il joue un rôle actif dans la conclusion d’accords, le coaching et la consultation d’entrepreneurs et d’entreprises, dont la plupart des clients appartiennent au groupe des entreprises en expansion.

    Philip Vermeulen est titulaire d’un Master en Économique appliquée (VLEKHO, Bruxelles - 1978) et d’un MBA à la Vlerick Management School de Gand (1979).

    Philip est actuellement administrateur chez Option nv (cotée à la bourse de NYSE Euronext), Dispack Projects nv, Drobots nv, Zapfi nv, et membre du Conseil consultatif, entre autres, de Offic DO nv, Favebucket Ltd. et Dink nv. Il est en outre président de la B.C.F.A. (Belgian Corporate Finance Association).


foto van Rombaut Valentijn en Joris
Le Ajuinlei1 a été pour RMBT un véritable tremplin vers le monde entrepreneurial. C’est de là que, ensemble, nous avons pu donner forme à nos idées créatives.
Joris & Valentijn Rombaut, Rombaut bvba
foto van Jochen Boeykens
Le Ajuinlei1 est un “incubateur” pour entrepreneurs. Tout au long de votre carrière, vous rencontrez sans cesse des gens qui ont fait leurs débuts là-bas.
Jochen Boeykens, ZoekAdvocaat.be
Le Ajuinlei 1 a été indispensable dans le développement professionnel de Volstok ; le centre a permis d’établir un solide pont entre démarrage et croissance et il nous a permis de respirer avant de faire le grand saut.
Wouter Sel, Volstok