
Ajuinlei1 is located in the centre of Ghent and is easily accessible by public transport.

Public parking facilities are a three minute walk.


Ajuinlei 1
9000 Ghent

By train and tram:

More information about trains from and to your destination:

From Gent-Sint-Pieters train station take tram 1 (it leaves every three minutes on average).

Tram 1 takes you from the station to the closest stop 'Korte Meer'. Take Tram 1 in the direction of 'Wondelgem Industrieweg' or 'Evergem Brielken' on platform 2 at the front of the station. After about 10 minutes get off at 'Korte Meer'.

Directions (on foot) from the Korte Meer stop (three minutes):

1. Head north on Korte Meer.
2. Turn left into the Voldersstraat.
3. Carry straight on into the Hoornstraat.
4. Cross the bridge
5. Turn left into the Ajuinlei

Ajuinlei1 is immediately on your right.

More information about trams and buses from and to your destination:

By car:

We advise you to use the Sint-Michiels parking. Address: Sint-Michielsplein 8, 9000 Ghent.

Ajuinlei 1 is a 3 minute walk from this car park.

Directions (on foot) from Parking Sint Michiels:

1. Take the 'Onderbergen' exit.
2. Turn left at the exit (Wilderoosstraat)
3. Turn right into Onderbergen.
4. Turn left into the Jakobijnenstraat.
5. Turn right into the Ajuinlei.

Ajuinlei1 is immediately on your right.

On foot:

Directions (on foot) from Gent-Sint-Pieters train station (approximately 30 minutes):

1. From the Kon. Maria Hendrikaplein go to the Kon. Elisabethlaan.
2. Gentle curve to the left into the Kortrijksesteenweg/N414.
3. Carry on to the traffic lights into the Kortrijksepoortstraat.
4. Keep going along the Nederkouter.
5. Continue on the road along the Ketelvest.
6. You arrive at the Koophandelsplein.
7. Turn left at the old court house, toward the Gebroeders Vandeveldestraat.
8. Turn right into the Ajuinlei.
9. Ajuinlei1 is at the end, on your left-hand side. 


Chabelyn Moreno
Tel. +32 9 269 52 11
[email protected]

How can we help you?
Contact us
09 269 52 11

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foto van Rombaut Valentijn en Joris
For RMBT, Ajuinlei 1 was an entry into the world of entrepreneurship. Here we were able to shape our creative ideas.
Joris & Valentijn Rombaut, Rombaut bvba
In the professional development of Volstok, Ajuinlei1 has been indispensable, like a solid bridge between start-up and growth, necessary breathing space before you are thrown in at the deep end.
Wouter Sel, Volstok
foto van Jochen Boeykens
Ajuinlei is a breeding ground for entrepreneurs. Throughout your career you always bump into people who started here.
Jochen Boeykens,